Fitness for Anyone

Gentle, safe, yet effective workouts using the power of oxygen.

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You have three main body fuels – food, water, and oxygen. Most people are aware of the fact that when you limit your food intake, your metabolism slows down, however, little attention is given to our poor breathing habits. You can last several weeks without food, several days without water, but only a few minutes without oxygen. Doesn’t it make sense to you that oxygen will have a much quicker and more dramatic effect on your metabolism than any other fuel? Reducing your oxygen intake slows your metabolism and deprives each of your 75 trillion cells from receiving their most basic nutrient, and makes it impossible for your body to properly metabolize fat.

The reverse is also true – increasing your oxygen intake revs up your metabolism and allows your body to thrive. Breathing well is the key to a slender, healthy body.

Oxycise! delivers lots of extra oxygen and works your muscles at the same time. The result is more effective fat burning.


In university tests, namely the University of Southern California and the University of Colorado, Oxycise! was found to burn more calories than riding a stationary bicycle.

In order to function at full capacity, your blood cells, brain cells, muscle cells and vital organ cells . . . every single one of them . . . must have oxygen. Oxygen – it helps your cells metabolize nutrients for energy, maintenance, repair, and healing. The way you breathe has a profound effect on your heart, arteries, and blood flow. Breathing affects the diameter of your blood vessels, your blood pressure, and the work output of the heart. The activity of your brain is directly affected by the way you breathe.

Breathing is also your chief body cleanser. Elimination of wastes, debris, toxins, and body pollution is a major function of oxygen. Do you realize that much of your body’s waste is eliminated through exhaling?

I’d like to share a secret with you . . . This secret is well-guarded by the $35 Billion dollar a year weight loss industry, and there are a lot of wealthy cosmetic surgeons and manufacturers of exercise gadgets and diet pills who don’t want this secret to get out:

Fat leaves your body through carbon dioxide.

Fat does not dissolve with “magic” pills or drinks and come out in your urine. It does not melt away into sweat under neoprene shorts or waist belts. It does not disappear by smearing creams on your thighs or lounging in vibrator belts. And it does not disappear through wishful thinking.

Fat leaves your body through carbon dioxide! This is not just a premise. This is a physiological FACT.

When you breathe and take in oxygen, your fat molecules are combined with oxygen atoms, causing oxidation. The main product is carbon dioxide. In fact, carbon dioxide is the most abundant of all the end-products of metabolism. It is more abundant than waste eliminated through urine, bowels, and perspiration!

If you limit your breathing, your body will not be able to eliminate properly, so it will store the toxins and fat and you have to live with them all the time. How does that extra poundage feel? Not fully using the oxygen available to us has created the largest toxic “waist” dump in our country.

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A complete and efficient aerobic workout for any age or fitness level, including those with back or knee injuries, or other physical limitations. Maximize your fat burning with the proven Oxycise! breathing technique that burned 140% more calories than riding a stationary bicycle in university studies. Safely and effectively reduce stress, increase energy, and transform your body with no impact to bones or joints. Yes, anyone can do it anywhere.

What does a workout look like?

Each workout combines the proven Oxycise! breathing technique with stretching and strengthening exercises to safely and effectively reduce stress, increase energy, and transform your body - at any age or fitness level.

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