Low oxygen occurs for several reasons. Here are 2 primary reasons:
1. Shallow chest breathing. Most of you only use a fraction of your lungs. Why? You wear tight pants, girdles, tight belts, hold your stomach in to look thin. More than likely you spend most of the day sitting down – working at a computer or desk all day, commuting in your car, going out to dinner, watching TV or movies. Our push-button society has all but eliminated the need for our bodies to move, and the result is a very low natural demand for oxygen.
2. Stress. Just because you sit down all day, doesn’t mean you don’t experience high stress and anxiety. You may not know this, but as you get excited, anxious, or stressed, your triglyceride levels go up in your blood causing clumping and sludging of your red blood cells. This clogs your capillaries and keeps oxygen from being delivered properly.
Could it be, that if you struggle with being overweight, or have some stubborn fat deposits that you can’t seem to get rid of, that you don’t have an eating problem, you don’t have a motivation problem — you have a breathing problem!
One of my favorite letters is from Erin Gadd, a college student, "I was depressed and desperate about my weight and had given up on any social life at college. I sought out your program and did everything you said. Within three months I lost a total of 40 pounds and 6 inches from my waist! I’ve maintained that for nearly a year without a lot of effort and can fit in pants I wore in 10th grade. In fact, a pair of shorts that I couldn’t even pull up over my hips are now baggy! It is so fun to be able to hike and run and do other activities now. But the most exciting of all is I’m getting married next week! If I hadn’t made these body changes, I would have never had the confidence to meet my new husband!"